
Recipe Love: Mushroom Casserole

I really love mushrooms, so much so that when I'm dining out I always try to find dishes that incorporate them. Almost always. So while looking through old posts of deliciousness on 101 Cookbooks, I found this recipe that has fast become a staple of satisfaction in our house.

The recipe is simple which is the first thing that got me. It also has great flavor and as Heidi stated, it is really something that you can transform into other flavor combinations really easily. If you stick to the bare bones of the recipe, you can interchange all the ingredients to suit your mood. I have made a mexican version by simply using black beans, fresh corn, red onions, mexican cheese, and a garnish of cilantro. It is also such a transitional dish that it is great for breakfast, sort of like a quiche. Alex always eats the leftovers with a fried egg in the morning because that man without eggs is a sad, sad man.

photo: 101 cookbooks


Just A Thought

Just a couple photos I found from a day at the Deer Park Monastery sometime last year. I may or may not have posted them before but one needs a little reminder now and then. You know?


Blacks Beach View

One of the best things of living in our city that I personally take for granted at moments are the gorgeous spots to take in a sunset. This of course is never lost on Alex. Not for a second. Watching my husband stare out at his other home is a really peaceful and beautiful thing to watch. Big waves or not, he embraces that ocean with his whole heart. That sort of love is inspiring.


A Visit With Friends

Sometimes all you need is good old fashioned girl time (and you too Axel) to put you back in place. Last weekend I flew with a great friend and one of the most amazing toddler travel partners of all time to San Jose to visit friends who are expecting a little one of their own in less than four weeks!! I have to say that the speed of someone being so pregnant was exactly the speed I was willing to embrace right now. It was perfect to relax and spend time with friends I consider family. So many years and experiences under our belts and we are still in each others lives. None of it was lost on me, the whole trip I kept thinking how grateful I am for these beautiful women in my life.

Early mornings spent by myself in their comforting home, a walk by the beach of Half Moon Bay, way too much tasty food, and evenings spent catching up and reliving our almost 20 years as friends. It was time well spent.


A New Lightness Of Being

I have been really appreciating our little family lately. With recent events I found myself lost and sad as hell. It's strange how a a simple conversation or interaction with someone will snap you back into the you that you know. The words weren't profound in anyway but my dad said a simple thing that whipped me back to reality. The first day of the new year he said, " What if Haiku lives for another six months, a year?" For some reason that thought had never occurred to me. Strange but true. It was like I was living under a grief blanket that never seemed to warm or console me in any way. I now realize that my premature grief hasn't been doing any of us any good. I am back and ready to live what remaining days we have to the fullest which feels refreshing and so clear finally. This little pup is not going down without a fight. She loves us which is extremely clear and wants to be around, which makes me want to give her the best me in whatever time we have left together.

Also, that guy up there really meant it when he vowed for better or for worse. That kind of sincerity really makes me want to be better. Do better. For us. Love really is all around.

Now back to regular programming.