Starting the year off right with a bloody mary at the Ace, my bestie and the hubby, breakfast in Palm Springs, on the road again, a day in the park with koo and friends, a walk around the lake, surprise visit from my friend Yvonne brings the ladies out to lunch, getting ready for a rare night out, pho at our favorite local spot, the enlightened one, a delicious breakfast of chilaquiles made by the man of the house, a visit with friends on their patio that I love, a view from our balcony at home
Our house has been under a bit of construction for the past couple of weeks so today we set out to avoid drywall fragments and paint fumes and headed out to the tide pools in Point Loma. It's pretty strange because in all the years I have lived in San Diego, on and off, I've never been. It was really pretty but way too crowded. I didn't even get any pics of any critters. Still a lovely morning and a nice getaway. So needed.
Awesome piece by street artist Iemza. As always I'm a sucker for that color combo which is made even better with the contrast of the abandoned space. I like the idea of bringing beauty to a spot that many feel should be forgotten, and the surprise if you are lucky enough to find it.
photo: Thierry Gaude via unurth
Look Up
I've always been a fan of painting a single wall in any room a vibrant color but had never thought to do it on the ceiling. I really love the way it looks in this room.
Sebastiaan Bremer

I had seen this photo by Sebastiaan Bremer awhile ago on a blog and I can't remember where now. I know that I liked it then but something about it this time around really caught my eye. It's very Sound Of Music with a new twist and totally in my color palette that I adore.
spotted on t spoon of sunshine via frolic
Closet Visit
I'm really loving the site by artist and blogger Jeana Sohn called Closet Visit. It's a chance to take a glimpse into the homes and more importantly the closets of some really creative and stylish ladies. Check out more of the goodness here.
The Best Dressed
After a very long day at work yesterday I couldn't wait to get home, kick my feet up and watch the Golden Globes. Watching people get all gussied up while I'm chillin' in my sweats. Call me crazy but I absolutely loved the Burberry dress that Leighton Meester wore. The shoes and accessories were awesome as well. Pretty funny since she is on quite a few worst dressed lists today. What do they know anyway? I love it!
photo via
The weather today was a lovely 78 degrees and should remain warm and beautiful all weekend long. My friend Sheri and I decided to kick off the weekend with a walk around the lake (with our two babies in tow) that is only blocks from our house. It's days like this that remind me of how lucky we are to be living in San Diego. We really do have it pretty damn good here. Happy weekend all!
I See Red
I seriously never thought I would be dying to wear red pants but these looks have me head over heels for the idea. I love red and have it as a major color throughout our home and on my blog, but had never thought to put a bright color on my lower half. I'm feeling sort of compelled now. Maybe it is the Danish blood in me.
Glass Lockets
I posted awhile ago about my good friend Maribel's awesome jewelry line Moon and Sable but I'm really loving some of the newer items in her shop, So... I thought I'd post again. I was fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of them in person when we spent the new year in Palm Springs and I am dying to get my hands on one of these glass lockets. They look super great on, with or without something inside the locket.
I've been feeling overwhelmed by the urge to purge all the stuff that I don't wear in my closet, which is a lot. I have come to the realization that all though I love and can appreciate fussier dressing, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I just feel most myself with a comfy pair of higher waisted jeans, slouchy tee, a great jacket or cardigan, awesome boots, and maybe a accessory or two if I'm feeling like jazzing it up a bit. And, what could be more comfortable than wearing a coat that doubles as a blanket like the one above?
Birthday Boy
Dear Alex,
You are pretty much the best thing in this whole entire world! You know how when we are driving in the car and it's quiet, and then out of nowhere you start talking really, really loud and scare me to death? Well, I would kind of miss that if you weren't around. The world would be a very quiet and lonely place without you. I love all your little quirks and most importantly your big heart. I'm pretty sure that I'm the luckiest lady in all the land. Happy Birthday my sweet and lovely husband. You really do make my world go round.
Anna aka Booberry
You are pretty much the best thing in this whole entire world! You know how when we are driving in the car and it's quiet, and then out of nowhere you start talking really, really loud and scare me to death? Well, I would kind of miss that if you weren't around. The world would be a very quiet and lonely place without you. I love all your little quirks and most importantly your big heart. I'm pretty sure that I'm the luckiest lady in all the land. Happy Birthday my sweet and lovely husband. You really do make my world go round.
Anna aka Booberry
Chief and Crown
The postcards, among other things from Chief & Crown are so great! I think I'll have to grab a set to get me started on #7 from my little list for 2011. I guess I'm not really breaking goal #5 since these great cards are supporting a lovely handmade business, right? Makes sense to me.
A few other lovely things from the shop that I love.
In With The New
I have been thinking a lot about new year resolutions and to be honest, I'm not really a fan. Probably because I usually fail at them. I think this year I'm going to think in terms of goals that I want to reach or start for that matter. Here we go...
1. Sign up for a photography class
2. Take more road trips
3. Get the ball rolling on my online vintage store. At least my hoarding would seem less creepy if I did.
4. Make plans to visit both of our families on their turf
5. Save money. Duh. Kind of a given
6. Join our local CSA again and continue experimenting and cooking more
7. Write and actually send more handwritten letters to my beloved friends and family
8. Travel out of the country with Alex. Thailand is at the top of my list
9. Commit to a regular yoga routine
10. Look into volunteering my haircutting/ color services to an organization like Dress for Success
or organize something through my salon where we donate proceeds to a good cause
11. Buy a Afoot and Afield in San Diego County and put our hiking shoes on
12. Stop procrastinating. It only took me two days to actually complete this post, so that's not too bad :)
photo: Carl Kleiner
Hello 2011
We are back from our trip to the desert for the new year festivities and I have to say that I am feeling really positive about the year ahead. In talking with friends and reading my favorite blogs it seems like that is the general feeling out there too. I hope so because even though 2010 had many great memories and experiences for our little family, there were some not so great moments too. I feel the drive to dream bigger dreams and make things happen, because only I can. I hope that realization fuels me to make this year a spectacular one. I hope everyone has had a great start to their new year and continued happiness in the year to come. xo
dorky pic of us nye at the ace, palm springs
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